DiGamma Honor Society

The Canisius University Honor Society made its first appearance in 1925 when the group was founded under the name of “The Coffin Club.” Every year, on the occasion of the prom, the outstanding seniors were inducted into the society in a colorful ceremony. At that time, members of The Coffin Club were considered to be the most distinguished students on the Canisius campus. Students were selected for membership based on outstanding academic achievement, membership in Canisius organizations, extracurricular service, and a willingness to better the Canisius community – a spirit that matriculated with students as they became alumni.  

image of 2024 DiGamma Inductees
During the years of the Second World War, The Coffin Club was allowed to lapse. After the war, it was momentarily forgotten in the rush of veterans and overflowing registration. In the summer of 1952, the leaders of the Alumni Association decided to revive the society. After conferring with the officers of the college, a constitution and a set of by-laws were adopted. In honor of the symbolism of both the golden dome and griffin to Canisius, the double initial “G” of the Golden Griffins was selected to name the new Canisius University honor society – the DiGamma Honor Society. In the summer of 1968, DiGamma Alpha Society, the Canisius University Honor Society for alumni and women undergraduates, was established to honor outstanding graduates, to promote the interests and the welfare of the college, and to assist in publicizing Canisius. Membership consisted of those graduates who had distinguished themselves through service both to Canisius and the community. In 1983, the members of the DiGamma Honor Society and DiGamma Alpha Society voted in favor of a newly ratified constitution, which officially eliminated the two separate societies and subsequently formed the DiGamma Honor Society, one of the longest standing traditions of Canisius.
Today, the DiGamma Honor Society is the main honor society of Canisius. Members of DiGamma are some of the most distinguished members of the Alumni Association and campus community. Members of the prestigious society selflessly give back to Canisius the benefits of their talents and achievements.
*If you notice an error in the current member list and would like to correct it, please email @email.*

Nominate DiGamma Members!
The Canisius University Alumni Board of Directors invites DiGamma Members to submit nominations for the DiGamma Honor Society Induction. Please note: nominations for 2025 are now closed. 

Individuals eligible for nomination must meet the following criteria:

ALUMNI who have distinguished themselves over an extended period of time working for the advancement of the university.
ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY who have distinguished themselves over an extended period of time through exemplary service for or on behalf of students and alumni.

Save the Date! 100th year celebration for the DiGamma Honor Society on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 6 p.m. at the Buffalo Club. More details to follow. 


Current Members: 


Mason M. Bowes '24

Natalie R. Fass '24

Jillian G. Galanti '24

Elizabeth M. Hertz MBA '24

Jahare C. Hudson '24

Sarah M. Lynch '24

Alyssa C. Quinlan '24

Emma M. Radel '24

Hawa J. Saleh '24

Abriana R. Will '24

Eliana H. DeGlopper '23

Maeve M. Devine '23

Alexandria L. Fazio '23

Hannah E. Fischer '23

Gwynn E. Furlich '23

Mylan S. Hawkins '23

Patrick T. Healy '23

Myles J. Hervey MBA '23

Hannah A. Iqbal '23

Zoe A. Kaminski '23

Elnara Karadzhayeva '23

Eric Muharaeni '23

Colin T. O'Neill '23

Julia L. Slazyk '23

Camryn R. Warren '23

Marisa T. Warren '23

Alexander J. Bogart MSED '22

Justin E. Brown '22

Sydney C. Carlo '22

Alyssa H. A. Deacon '22

Jenna G. French '22

Matthew B. Johnson '22

Courtney E. Johnt '22

Zachary D. Lundy '22

Liana Posella '22

Husna F. Raheem '22

Allisa M. Romanini '22

Rosalia A. Sedano '22

Cara L. Smith '22

Meghan T. Swiatek '22

Jasmine M. Thomas '22

Eleanor R. Tucker '22

Sarah K. Batt '21

Bridget A. Brogan '21

Anna C. Cryan '21

Matthew P. Forney '21

Catherine M. Gallagher '21

James D. Garvey '21

Deanna L. Garwol '21

Rianna L. Iorillo '21

Charlotte R. Kacprowicz '21

Grace M. Lewandowski '21

Alicia J. Majkut '21

Kathleen J. McMahon '21

Morgan I. Morris '21

Meighan C. Murphy '21

Michael R. Pesarchick '21

Rebecca A. Praetzel '21

Claire E. Rosenecker '21

Clare T. Smokowski '21

Kaitlan Van Kessel '21

Emily Augugliaro '20

Rebecca Brandel '20

Patrick Collins '20

Anna Costa '20

Adam Dryfhout '20

Victoria Fish '20

Jesana Gadley '20

Abby Hughes '20

Hannah Kralles '20

Mackenzie Nish '20

Ashleigh Pagano '20

Megan Rooney '20

Andrew Sagun '20

Lauryn Saldana '20

Matthew Tomasulo '20

Emyle Watkins '20


Kelly E. Bajorek '19

Sydney A. Bichsel '19

Amanda J. Boccolucci '19

Alissa M. Buchta '19

Joshua Canavan '19

Ricki Chen '19

Mcsteve C. Ezikeoha '19

Noah A. Gould '19

Jakai J. Harrison '19

Allison T. Judge '19

Pat W. Judge '19, MBA '20

Kaylee J. Konczal '19

Luke I. McCoy '19

Taylor Meciszewski '19

Vivian R. Mroz '19

Olivia M. Owens '19

Toby C. Patrick '19

Annalyse H. Paulsen '19

Alexandra Pfeifer '19

Lauren R. Phetteplace '19

Megan M. Poynter '19

Lauren R. Reno '19, MBA '20

Cameron T. Rosenecker '19, MBA '21

Mary C. Russo '19

Kathryn G. Simon '19

Matthew C. Smardz '19

Lydia Beinhauer '18

Chelsea A. Brodka '18

Kaitlin M. Garrity '18

Alexis E. Grebenok '18

Madelyn A. Reed '18

Connor J. Rosenecker '18

Clayton Shanahan '18

Mary J. Woodruff '18

Kate M. Anticoli '17

Elias I. Ayoub '17

Lauren M. Bielby '17

Alexis K. Book '17

Alexandria M. Iwanenko '17

Brannon R. Jones '17, MBA '20

Dilpreet Kaur-Spencer '17

Courtney L. Koba '17

Courtney A. Kramer '17

Joseph J. Lesh '17

Catherine M. Niederpruem '17

Jacqueline V. O'Flynn '17

Jeffrey M. Spencer '17

Courtney T. Sullivan '17

Gina M. Trippe '17

Adanna H. Adaka '16

Benjamin J. Brasley '16

Paula A. Castro-Uruburo '16

Moyla Halimy '16

Richard J. Kubiak '16

Jesse P. Prieto '16

Elizabeth A. Rakowski '16

Darby A. Ratliff '16, MS '18

Elizabeth M. Sawka '16

Maria N. Ta '16

Jennifer Wachala '16

Eric M. Walsh '16, MBAACC '17

Nicole M. Binns '15, MBAACC '16

Amy C. Brooks '15

Ashleigh M. Maciejewski '15

Neil T. Savoy '15, MS '18

John M. Solak '15

Alison M. Tortelli '15

Caressa A. Trueman '15

Alex B. Tubridy '15, MS '19

Samantha A. Wagner '15

Bethany D. Wolf '15

Ryan A. Zimmer '15

Jessica M. Bliss '14

Kaitlyn A. Buehlmann '14

Liam P. Doherty '14

Andrew M. Genco '14

Danielle M. Giancarlo '14

Rich M. Hilliker Jr. '14

Jacob J. Horner '14

Kathleen V. Johnson '14

Anthony M. Kroese '14

Anne M. Mecca '14, MS '16

Joe E. Pittari '14

Brock J. Wilkinson '14

Wendy J. Wojcik '14

Brian M. Almendinger '13, MBAACC '14

Alycia M. Bobak '13

Tim N. Bristol '13

Allison T. Couche '13

Kayla M. Davis '13

Jesse G. Fodero '13

Matt J. Gorczyca '13, MS '15

Cecelia R. Gotham '13

Melissa R. Gretzler '13, MS '15

Keon J. Hall '13

Megan L. Harrington '13

Jamie E. Hitro '13

Kevin P. Hughes '13

Erin M. Kelly '13

Miranda R. McCoy '13

James F. Millard '13

Joseph S. Modica '13

Jean F. Munezero '13

Rebecca L. Papaj '13, MBAACC '14

Walter G. Sharrow HON '13, PhD

Kaitlin E. Silverberg '13

Nicholas V. Wiltsie '13

Miranda R. Zagorski '13

Jacob M. Castiglia '12, MD

Sandra L. Castiglia '12

Michael J. Edbauer '12

Maria I. Eugenio '12

Jenna L. Gorko '12, MS '15

Sharon A. Kasperczyk '12

Laura C. Knab '12

Daniel W. Kuether '12

Lauren Lewis '12

Mary I. Mietlicki '12, MSED '16

Nathan P. Olszewski '12

Royshawn M. Sessum '12

Lauren Sformo Leavy '12

Ashley Stewart '12

Robert S. Taylor '12, MSED '18

Christie L. Adamczak '11

Jeff M. Amplement '11

Camille A. Blum '11

Sean M. Childs '11

Melinda C. Cruz '11

Danielle S. Donner '11

Hunter J. Dudkiewicz '11

John P. Duggan '11, MBAACC '12

Kate D. Eldredge '11

Kelly M. Grimaldi '11, MSED '13

Alyssa Harpst '11

Erin H. Hartnett MS '11

Sheena M. Jarmon '11, MBA '20

Ray E. Kleinfelder '11

Connor M. Lewis '11

Patrick J. McMahon '11

Dylan J. Menguy '11

Alicia M. Monaco '11

Kimberly M. Nauratil '11

Caitlin M. Nicotra '11, DO

Carrie A. Parsons '11

Molly S. Perry '11

Elena N. Popova '11

Bartholomew V. Simon '11

Caitlin M. Slattery '11, MBAACC '12

Kelly K. Trinca '11

Valerie K. Ulm '11

Megan E. Brenner-Zwara '10

Rev. Vincent M. Cooke HON '10

Andrew P. Creighton '10, DO

Colleen E. Creighton '10

Chris D. Czaplicki '10, MD

Emma L. Fabian '10

Chris D. Falzarano '10

Joel A. Francia '10

Erin E. Gatrone '10, PhD

Stephanie M. Guadagna '10

Adam M. Hayes '10, MBA '13

Matt J. Lindenberg '10

Andrew J. Loewen '10

Carl E. Manzo '10, MD

Allyson R. Matlock '10, MS '13

Teresa M. Maurici '10

Rebecca E. McGill '10

Joseph A. Mecca '10

Christopher R. Mekelburg '10

David G. Nally '10

Jessica L. Nowak '10

Gretchen M. Olson '10

Josephine G. Ossei-Anto '10, MBA '11

Sarah E. Parker '10

Maddie M. Reicher '10

Justin A. Shelton '10, DO

Emily L. Sullivan '10

Michelle L. Switzer '10

Peter F. Tassini Jr. '10

Sindy V. Tavarez '10

Mark J. Tortelli '10, MBA '20

Hannah A. Walsh '10

Megan M. Wierchowski '10, DO

Mark R. Wolbert '10, MBA '15


Devney E. Ayers '09

Kevin P. Brennan '09

Ja'Nay Carswell '09

Josie R. Diebold '09

Cassie N. Eldred '09

Brian R. Fluharty '09, PhD

Amy L. Heiser '09

Elyse M. Krezmien '09

Will A. Lorenz Jr. '09

Jennifer R. Malue '09

Allison M. Morgan '09

Gabrielle R. Paoletti '09

Timothy L. Papsidero '09

Lisa M. Pearze '09, MS '16

Reynelle R. Talford '09, MBA '13

Kathleen H. Ang '08

Angela M. Bruno '08

Carrie L. Burke '08, MS '12

Lisa C. Carey '08

Ashley A. Engl '08

Ben L. Fabian '08, MS '10

Fr. Kevin A. Fields '08

Emilee C. Flynn '08, MD

Jared Hojnacki '08

Anthony J. Limina '08, MBA '17

Julie L. Jones '08, MD

Ed J. Kelley '08

Lindsay R. Kibler '08

Mike A. Kochczynski '08, MS '12

Rev. John P. Loeser '08

Elle S. Musialowski '08

Shawn J. Nowicki '08

Stephanie R. Peete '08

Adam P. Pendleton '08, MBA '10, MD

Jacqueline F. Phelps '08

Jennifer L. Powell '08

Brittany L. Schwarz '08, MD

Jonathan W. Schwarz '08

Katherine D. Sullivan '08

Daniel E. Theal '08

Jason A. Zwara '08

Ashley A. Blecha '07, MBAPA '09

Nicole M. Bodemer '07, MBAPA '08

Sarah E. Boulos '07, DO

Cortnie DiStefano '07, MS '09

John T. Dyrcz Jr. '07

Elise A. Garvey '07

Latia N. Harris '07

Joseph P. Heins '07

Maria M. Heins '07, MSED '08

Kirsten A. Jahn '07

Andrea K. Kochczynski '07

Katherine M. Liebner '07

Daniel P. Puccio '07

Brian C. Ricci '07, MD

Roseanne C. Schuster '07, PhD

Bethany R. Siena '07

S.J. J. Velasquez '07

Andrea M. Wodarczak '07, MSED '10

Nina M. Barone '06

Melissa A. Campbell '06

Kathleen M. Coughlin '06

Danielle V. Esposito '06

Lindy Feider ’06, MS ’08

Andrea L. Hemmerich '06

Melanie D. Horton '06

Elizabeth H. Lewis '06

Sadie A. McPhillips '06

Stacey L. Moar '06

Tiffany M. Moore '06

Debra S. Park MS '06

Mercedes D. Peeples '06

Patrice M. Pompey '06

Demario A. Strickland '06, MS '18

Nicholas L. Tober '06, MBA '08

Megan E. Uplinger '06

Amie T. Vuong '06

David R. Bard '05

Kathryn A. Bell '05

Sr. Patricia Brady MS '05

Lilianne M. Clayson '05

Hasheen J. DeBerry '05

Heather M. DiStefano '05

Kevin M. Downey '05, MBA '07

Jonathan J. Emiliani '05

Jennifer L. Hasse '05, MBA '13

Jennifer L. Huer '05

Lacey D. Johnson '05, MBA '12

Lindsay M. Karas Stencel '05

Alicia L. Lawrence '05, MS '07

Patrick D. McNally '05

Dodji V. Modjinou '05, MD

Esther I. Ossei-Anto '05

Charles A. Panepinto '05, MSED '11

Mark T. Persick '05

Rebecca W. Seamon '05

Mary K. Sendlak '05

Lindsay S. Simmen '05

Joan E. Stoltman '05

Amelia M. Swehla '05

Carrie A. Wanamaker '05

Sabiha S. Ahmad '04, MS '08

Janelle A. Brooks '04, MS '06

Peter V. Burakowski '04

Kristen M. Cassetta-Pancerman '04

Stacy A. Choczynski '04

Joseph J. Clifford '04, MS '06

Ann N. DiGiacomo '04

Michael R. DiGiacomo '04, MD

Mary A. Dust '04

Amanda M. Fox '04

Keith S. Galley '04

Laura M. Gellin '04

Julie Anna M. Golebiewski '04, PhD

Vanessa E. Guerra '04

Eileen C. Herbert '04, MS '16

Stacy C. Johnson '04

Michelle M. Kazmierczak '04, MSED '07

Peter C. Koch '04

Anthony P. Maggiotto Jr. '04

Jeena A. Owens '04, MS '06

Harpreet S. Padda '04

Fatma N. Ramadan '04

Eliezer Santana '04

Jeff W. Sendlak '04

Trina Sengupta '04, DMD

Sarah E. Signorino '04, MS '09

Jerod Sikorskyj '04, MS '21

Lucian D. Sikorskyj '04

Amanda L. Sutter '04

Lina I. Taher '04

Matthew A. Wagstaff '04

Jim H. Wahl '04

Myles M. Abbott '03, MBAACC '04

Betsy M. Bevilacqua '03, MBA '07

Rohit Bharwani '03

Jeffrey R. Blake '03

John J. Crangle '03

John B. DePasquale '03

Erik J. Diringer '03, MD, DO

Fr. Jason G. Downer '03, MS '06

Felicity L. Kelly '03, MD

Christopher T. Luthi '03

Peter J. Pavlovich '03

Sara E. Pirrone Bayerl '03, MS '05

Kathleen M. Riley '03

Nicholas J. Roland '03

Joshua J. Russell '03, PhD

Kathleen Ryan '03

Catherine M. Sampert '03, DO

Kimberly L. Simon '03, MSED '09

Jennifer L. Snekser '03

Susan M. Was '03, MS '06

Amanda L. Winkelsas '03

Angela C. Zollitsch '03, MSED '05

Caitlin C. Zulewski '03

Becky J. Berry '02, PhD

Elizabeth M. Bocchino '02

Timothy D. Calkins '02

Catherine M. Darling '02

Cheikhou T. Diagne '02

Rev. Ryan G. Duns '02, SJ

Rev. Robert A. Haus '02

Frank L. Marks III '02

Katie F. Martoche '02, MS '04

Cathia Moise '02

Rev. Stephen J. Molvarec '02

Patrick J. Nagy '02

Chandana Neureuther '02

Joel M. Palachuvattil '02

Katie A. Pogorzelski '02, MS '09

Jerry P. Quinn '02

Kristen M. Rizzo '02

Michelle T. Sablan '02

Brad L. Sendlak '02

Mike J. Spillman '02

Sarah H. Spillman '02, DO

Francis R. Vavonese '02

Mark J. Walenga '02

Kristen J. Wawrzyniak '02, MSED '04

Tracie M. Zamiska '02

Mollie A. Ballaro '01, MS '08

Kelly A. Barden '01

Kristen L. Cacciotti '01

Cindy A. Cashman '01, MSED '03

Leila B. Escoto '01

Mike W. Fennie '01, PhD

Nick Fiume '01

Pete A. Gothgen '01, MSED '08

Greg A. Heeb '01

Jen L. Jarman '01

Brian T. Lorentz '01

Monique Mirshak '01, MD

Nick J. Nabozny '01

Mark J. Piatkowski '01, MS '03

Tuhina Roy '01, DDS

Jeff H. Spain Jr. '01

Jonathan F. Will '01

Tracey A. Williams '01

Kavitha J. Antonyraj Conti '00, MD

Annie M. Carr '00, MD

Mark S. Collins '00, MS '03

Marisa S. Corser '00

Sherrida V. Davis '00, MBA '01

Jessica L. Drewing '00

Lisa M. Garvey '00

Caren E. Gellin-Talledo '00, MD

Denise L. Giessert '00, MD

Sue M. Johnson '00

Brian K. Kasprowicz '00

Jennifer L. Kasprzak '00

Bill P. Moore '00

Martina M. Ocrah '00

Todd R. Salansky '00, MBA '04

Marjorie M. Schmidt '00

Maria V. Shivell '00, MBA '05

Bob Shufelt '00

Erin M. Slazak '00

Bill R. St Jean '00, MS '02

Evie R. Vento '00, MD

David C. Wagner '00

Tricia A. Winnicki '00

Shauna C. Zorich '00, MD

Kathy A. Zukowski '00


Sara M. Abrams '99

Yolanda R. Beaton-Mingo '99

Matt M. Becker '99

Colleen K. Faupel '99

Danielle M. Goetz '99, MD

Rich R. Henry '99

Matthew Johnson '99

Dennis W. Koch '99

Ben A. Krass '99

Al B. Livingston '99

Concetta Lupa '99, MD

Vince J. Que '99, MS '05

Shalabh Singhal '99, MD

Matt F. Slazak '99, MBA '13

Meggan E. Sullivan '99

Cindy T. Taing '99

Ann M. Wands '99, DO

Chris M. Blum '98, PhD

Marc M. Bourgeault '98

Mike D. Bowen '98

Christopher P. Devine ’98

Jen S. Farrell '98

Dave P. Hilbert '98

Joe A. Ippolito '98, MBA '03

Darcey L. Kemp '98, MBA '04

Christopher T. Lang '98

Lori L. Mahin '98

Betsy A. Marzahn-Ramos '98

Rebecca S. Phillips '98, MD

Gitanjali L. Pinto '98

Monica Razo '98

Celeste M. Scarozza '98, MSED '00

Denise M. Swedish '98

Rachelle E. Toman '98

Al C. West MBA '98, MS '02

Kelly A. Bacon '97, MSED '00

Tina M. Bacon '97

Vincent D. Clark ’97

Jeff M. Harmon '97

Caroline R. Hughes Dacumos '97

Ron H. Kotlik '97, EdD

Tom W. Mead '97

Kevin A. Peinkofer '97

Mary T. Peinkofer '97

Steve P. Pierpaoli '97

Becky J. Post '97

John S. Prizner III '97

Stan L. Purdie '97

Esther H. Sanborn '97

April R. Sanders '97

Barb C. Stengel '97

Amy M. Teprovich '97, MS '00

Regina L. Wooten '97

Jeff L. Amodeo Sr. '96, MD

Tom J. Bernardo '96

Andre A. Bourgeault '96, MS '00

Kristin T. Bruton '96

Maria C. DiFrancesco '96

Therese J. Fuerst '96

Kathy M. Goller '96

Gretchen L. Grottenthaler '96

Chris M. Henrichs '96

Jeanette S. Kreher '96

Mary Pat Lohse '96, PhD

Sharon A. Maerten Moore '96

Christopher F. Malof MBA ’96

Bill R. Naab '96

Mike C. Nienhaus '96

Tom L. Paone '96, MD

Julie C. Salvo '96

Chris T. Sherman '96

Paul R. Tan '96

Jenny L. Williams '96

Fadi Asfour '95

Claire M. Bellia '95, MSED '99

Andrew W. Boczkowski '95

Chris Bopst '95

Lori J. Chilcott '95

Kimberly A. DeTrask '95

Margi M. Eberl '95, MD

Steve K. Erickson '95, JD, PhD

Carey C. Esposito '95

Darcie A. Falsioni '95

Nicole Graci '95

Anthony B. Habib '95

Rev. James J. Hennesey HON '95

Amy H. Kantz '95, MSED '99

Brian C. Kantz '95

Jenna A. Kavanaugh '95

Marcy M. Kearns '95

Ken L. Kraft '95, MS '98

Mark C. Meyers '95

Brian M. Murphy '95

Rachel A. Newhouse '95, MS '00

Nathalie L. Niederlander '95

Angela R. Pierpaoli '95

Jodi J. Quatroche '95, MSED '99

Rev. Paul S. Salemi '95

Dan J. Sherman '95

Jenny M. Urban '95

Theresa M. Walsh '95

Lorraine A. Zelenz '95

Stephanie L. Briant '94

Wiener Cadet Jr. '94

Henrique K. Caine '94

Denis P. Coakley '94, MS '03

MJ Courchesne '94

Yemanja N. Freund '94, MSED '00

Carrie Golombek-Sullivan '94

Kim A. Haines '94, MS '98

Charlie M. Ippolito '94, MD

Chithra P. Kandaswami '94

Ann Louise T. Lockhart '94

Jenny L. Manriquez '94

Brenda B. Mikolajczak '94

Joellyn T. Murry '94

Jen W. O'Donnell '94

William A. O'Shea, III '94

Colin J. Powers '94

Mike J. Roberts '94

Lynn M. Rosen '94

Otto Rothi '94

Beth A. Rouse '94

Sheila M. Scott '94, MS '98

Kathleen M. Sellers '94

Jeff D. Siuda '94

Stan J. Skolny '94

Scott L. Sroka '94

Ian M. Sullivan '94

Kristen M. Suthers '94

Heath J. Szymczak '94, MBA '95

Suzan M. Tedder '94

Tom J. Tobin '94, PhD

Julie Urban '94

Janice C. Armstrong '93

Jeffrey E. Bogart ’93

Steve R. Bubar '93

Giuseppina V. Bugenhagen '93, MS '95

Michelle S. Bullock '93

Jenny L. Caruana '93, MSED '98

Bob F. Douglas '93

Maria Frisina '93

Mark T. Jones '93

Suchitra Koneru '93, MD

Rev. Stephen M. Loposky '93

Amy H. Lyons '93, PhD

Julie A. Matuch '93

Jennifer McDougall '93, MPA '98

Marty J. Meyler '93

Julie A. Murphy '93

Carol L. O'Connell '93, MPA '96

Angelique M. Schweikowsky '93

Diane M. Ward '93

Pauline C. Will '93

Shauna M. Andres '92

Jenny G. Bojdak '92

Maria T. Buchanan-Sidorski '92

Pete E. Bugiera '92, MBA '98

Jeffrey J. Calabrese '92

Ellen R. Christy MPA '92, MBA '98

Michael J. Cotsovites '92

Nora Eberl Plizga '92

Lenora B. Foote Beavers '92

Gaetana R. Galante '92

Jean L. Griffin '92

Nancy J. Hejaily '92

Danelle T. Lobdell '92

Patti A. Mancabelli '92

Lisa M. Mancuso Daly '92

Mark J. Manuele '92

Maureen T. McDonald '92, DVM

Maureen Millane MBA '92, PhD

Marlene M. Miller '92

Acea M. Mosey '92

Thomas J. Murphy '92

William E. O'Donnell '92

Connie M. Pileri '92

Harald O. Rehm '92

Dave E. Reid '92

Eileen B. Reilly '92, MD

Mary Ellen Reilly '92, MBA '03

Kim M. Romani-Hedges '92

Scott R. Snyder '92

Michele VanLandingham '92

AJ J. Bellia Jr. '91

Karen M. Braun '91

Timothy J. Bubar '91

Karen B. Callahan '91

Kristen A. Dolan '91

Trey H. Gardner III '91, MS '09

Amy L. Hayes '91

Heather Hebeler '91

Elizabeth P. Hofmeister '91

Marty P. Hurley '91, MBA '98

Susan P. Kane '91

Michael P. Kearns ’91

NancyRae K. Kjelgaard '91, MBA '00

Matt J. Klaben '91

Mack D. Mariani '91

Terri A. McDonald-Gale '91

Brendan M. Miner '91

Michael J. Montante '91

John A. Moynihan '91

Tara L. Preteroti '91

Paul P. Prince '91

Marya J. Propis '91

Kathaleen B. Recker '91

Mary E. Riley Metcalf '91

Mary Ross '91

Maryanne P. Schultz-Barrick '91, PhD

Michelle T. Skelley '91, MSED '93

Jennifer J. Smith '91, MBA '93

Jeanette M. Yoder '91

Tia L. Allen '90

Rich M. Argentieri '90

Mary C. Bellanti '90

Anita M. Biondo '90

Enrico Caiola '90, MD

Lisa M. Caiola '90

Maria L. Fiddler '90

Debbie M. Fronckowiak '90

Donna M. Funk '90

Todd B. Hilligas '90

Chris D. Kane '90, PhD

Kristen M. Kulinowski '90, PhD

Valerie A. Latona '90

Sabrina A. Lucente-Huddy '90, MBA '95

Kathy V. Makolinski '90

Mark P. Mead '90

Fouad Emil Mirshak '90

Tom T. Murphy '90, MBA '91

Pia O'Connor '90

Cindy L. Odom '90

Margaret A. Pagano '90, MSED '93

Michelle D. Penque '90, MD

Mr Pietocarlo Pietrocarlo '90

Ron A. Raccuia '90

Julie A. Raye '90

Lisa A. Reichert '90, MD

Vince G. Roux '90

Pete S. Schlee '90

David M. Schmidt '90

Eric W. Schultz '90

Dan I. Sheff '90

Elizabeth Waite '90

John W. Weston '90

Ann L. Woloszynski '90, MBA '94


Bernadette M. Bookmiller '89

Kristen C. Brill '89

Patty Bubar Spear '89

Paula M. Caligiuri '89

LTC Kelly M. Carrigg '89

Lisa J. Clark '89

Cathy H. Donnelly '89

Sean M. Feeley '89

Gail L. Hoffman '89

Sue M. Knight-DeBottis '89

Michele D. Lamont-Juda '89

Bill J. Maher '89

Russell J. Matuszak '89

Molly A. McCarthy '89, PhD

Michael R. Mendola '89

Yvonne B. Morrow '89

Melanie Myers '89, MS '93

Beth A. Orlowski '89

Michael S. Pagliaro '89

Michael D. Probst '89

Francesca W. Rand '89

Jeffrey A. Senall '89

Andrew N. Smith '89

Andrea M. Sweda '89

David C. Wachowiak '89

Susan L. Zamorski '89

Angel Beiter '88

Julie A. Benzin '88

Debbie A. DiMatteo MBA '88

Annette M. Dispenza-Kajtoch '88, MBA '90

Matt J. Duggan '88

Sheryl M. Dunsmore '88

Mary H. Eberl '88

Kathy R. Gonzalez '88

James J. Greco '88

John D. Hall '88, MD

Gretchen E. Hollmer '88

Mary Jane Jelleme '88

Diane Kent '88

Doug D. Kohler '88

Dean J. Kotlowski '88, PhD

Beth A. Latko '88, MSED '95

Jim L. Lawicki '88

Nicki A. Lodico-Jenkins '88

Marc C. Marchese '88, PhD

Tom Maulucci Jr. '88, PhD

Joel R. Patterson '88

Randy C. Rucinski '88

Bethann E. Schrader-Giancarlo '88, MSED '90

JP P. Schwartz '88

Andy J. Shaevel '88, MBA '90

Rory Stanton '88

Karen Taneff '88

Steve M. Ulrich '88

Joe Van Volkenburg '88

Latrise M. Workman '88, MBA '96

Rev. Leon J. Biernat '87

Angelo S. Buscemi '87

Joe P. Conley '87

Monique D. Crawford '87, MBA '95

Maureen E. D'Orazio '87, MBA '90

Bill T. Erdman Jr. '87

Nancy P. Erdman '87, MBA '90

Laura A. Galvin '87

Jim F. Granville '87

Lisa B. Hoffman '87, MD

Debbie Hornberger '87, MBA '92

David F. Jarmusz '87

Bill J. Kubik Jr. '87, PhD

Ken M. Kujawa '87, MBA '00

Shawn D. Lavery DeJames '87

Edward Lisowski '87

Nadine M. Matala Kowalski '87

Margaret C. McCarthy MS '87, PhD

Rick S. Musialowski Jr. '87, MD

Kevin F. Saville '87

Kimberly M. Stanz '87

Cheryl L. Steffan '87, MSED '03

Brian H. Stevens '87

Jon P. Yormick '87

John J. Blewett '86

Anna M. Briatico '86

Mani Chidambaram '86, MBA '88

Sue J. Curry '86

Denise A. DiPasquale '86

Vinnie E. Doyle III '86

Judy A. Eschberger '86

Cheryl L. Gianiodis '86

Joe G. Goergen '86

Angela R. Hamilton '86, MBA '89

Jim P. Hayes '86

Andy D. Hill '86

John C. Hogg '86, MBA '88

Steve J. Koch '86

Molly C. Kohler '86

Brian S. LaBella '86

Bernadette D. Lynch '86

Kathleen M. Lynch '86, DPM

Greg J. Murphy '86

Mike J. Pasquarella '86

Mary M. Rein '86

Colleen M. Sandor '86, PhD

Michael S. Scime '86

Phil P. Scozzaro '86, PhD

Jill A. Smith '86, MD

Anne Marie Tryjankowski '86, MSED '90, EdD

Jenny M. Wall '86

Patricia M. Wilhelm '86

Tom A. Wolf '86

Laura A. Zaepfel '86

Barbara J. Zdrojewski '86

Mary Ellen Bakowski '85, MBA '90

Cathy A. Bolz '85, MBA '90

Carol A. Croen '85

Eric S. Csortan '85, MD

Mary Beth Cucinotta '85

Regina A. DelVecchio '85

Paul M. Dennee '85

Lynn A. Dobmeier Pullano '85

Suzanne C. Eberhard '85

Sibby W. Fasanello '85

Dr. Cynthia S. Ferrelli '85, DPM, NMD

Marty E. Franklin '85, PhD

Mike R. George '85, MS '93

Sal J. Glorioso '85

Christopher G. Johnson '85

Mary Grace G. Keenan '85

Bob T. Kennedy '85

Karen Klementowski '85, MSW PhD

Dawn M. Littleton '85

John B. Lynch '85, PhD

Conrad J. Martinelli '85, MS '89

Noreen A. Murphy '85

Gerald F. Pullano '85

Joe E. O'Brien '85

Kim J. Replogle '85

Greg P. Seyfried '85

Marilyn L. Sims '85

Matthew R. Smith '85, MD, PhD

Mike F. Smrek '85

Mike J. Trivisonno '85

Ranger A. Benson '84

Mike L. Bradley '84

John J. Burns '84

Katharine A. (Twist) Burns '84, MBA '86

Jim C. Burruano '84, DPM

Tom H. Connors '84

Bill J. Covelli '84

James R. Deuschle ’84

MaryEllen S. Dolan '84

Vince A. Fiore '84

Paul M. Fontana '84

Maureen A. Geiser '84

Ron P. Geisler '84

Rick N. Gilbert Jr. '84, MD

Mary Beth Glose MBA '84

Mary Greenwald '84, MBA '96

Mary Ann Hoffert '84, MS '88

Margaret Prebis King '84

Francois P. Lavere '84

John T. Loss '84

Bill J. Maggio '84, MBA '92

Anthony F. Shelley '84

Greg K. Stang '84

Bill J. Ansbrow '83

Karen B. Arenburg '83, MSED '85

Judy A. Bassanello '83

Dave R. Bolz '83

Jim A. Bove '83

Evelyn L. Burns-Kerney '83, MS '85, PhD

Mike G. Christiano '83

Jane E. Clements '83

Cathy A. Craft-Fairchild '83, PhD

Jack J. Dempsey Jr. '83

Linda A. Dobmeier MBA '83

George F. Dolce '83

Mark G. Evans '83

John J. Falsone '83

Karen J. Freeman '83

Dave M. Fronczak '83

Carolyn G. Gilbride Schaus '83

Bill P. Johnson '83

Joanne S. Johnson '83, MSED '95

Kathy S. Lammers '83, MD

Linda F. Lounsbury '83

Martin C. Mahoney '83, MD, PhD

Terry Marsh '83

Mary S. Martino MBA '83

Jim G. Murphy '83

Margaret D. O'Brien Brown '83

Kathy Odrobina '83

Lorraine F. Polzin '83, MBA '85

Althea Theresa Porter '83

Drew H. Radziwon '83

Rosanne N. Randazzo '83

Mike J. Scozzaro '83, PhD

Rose K. Stolzenburg '83

Anne M. Sullivan Polino '83, MBA '06

Steve M. Zaccari '83

Dan J. Zimmer '83, MBA '87

Jim R. Arnone '82

John P. Belbas, DDS P. Belbas '82, DDS

Anne M. Coholan '82

Pat M. Gallivan '82

Tom P. Geisler '82

Melanie L. Gleaves Hirsch '82

Tom E. Greenwald '82

Claudette P. Hickey '82

Bridgette Hickey Parascando '82

Bonnie A. Hodur '82

Amy E. Hoffman '82

Stephen F. Jackson '82

Mary E. Kirchgraber-Murdoch '82

Pete F. Kowalski '82, MD

Kathy A. Lillis '82, MD

Mary P. Murray '82

Tony J. Muscato '82

Jim B. Nonnengard '82

Wally J. Ochterski MBA '82

Mary Beth E. Pasciuto '82

Wallace C. Piotrowski '82

Susan M. Polvino '82

Mary E. Raymond '82

Richard C. Suchan '82

Laurie Short '82

Martha A. Veasey '82, MS '89

Ben K. Wells MBA '82

Irene E. Adamski '81

Cindy S. Aguglia '81

John I. Aguglia '81

Patricia A. Aronson '81

John E. Ballow '81

Ann E. Burley '81

Dennis R. DePerro '81, MS '88, EdD

Helen J. Ferraro-Zaffram '81

Cindy A. Finestone '81

Charles R. Gervase '81

David W. Grant '81

James J. Jarosz '81

Debbie L. Keenan '81

Cynthia M. McGuire '81

Ray G. Miller '81, DDS

Ned J. Panara '81, MD

Michael P. Phalen '81

Maria T. Rohe '81

Linda A. Smith '81

Peggy L. Snajczuk '81

Margaret B. Sullivan '81

Laura M. Wall '81

Maureen Kraus Athoe '80

James P. Barren '80

Mary J. Bartels '80, MBA '85

Tim A. Burley '80

Pamela E. Carey '80

Judith Russo Caserta '80

Joe R. Casacci '80

Cathleen S. Casacci '80

Rob F. Cavallari '80

Mary Kay Clark '80

Paul F. Diehl '80

Arnold H. Geisler '80

Caren M. Jachimiak '80

Joseph T. Jarzembek '80

Kim P. Kaul '80

Gary A. Kielich '80, MBA '85

Rocco Lucente '80

Bob P. McFarland '80

Reenie C. Murphy '80

Mary O'Connor '80, MS '86

Lisa V. O'Flynn '80

Mary Elizabeth Roche '80

Michael P. Rohe '80

Becky J. Smith '80

David S. Smith '80

Diane Szulist '80

Michael J. Vavonese '80

Richard L. Walsh '80, MSED '98

Val A. Warren MBA '80

Mary E. Williamson '80

Francesca M. Zafuto '80


Rick G. Battaglia '79, MD

Marty J. Berardi '79

Laurie C. Carter '79

Dan J. Dengler '79

James Desemone '79

Thomas P. Elsinghorst '79

Ann Marie Ervolina '79

Mike A. Ervolina Jr. '79

Charles D. Esposito '79

Mary LaNasa Finucane '79

Stuart H. Hawver '79

Martha A. Heinze '79

Kathleen A. Kelly '79

Bob A. Klump '79

Louise M. Lavere '79

Debbie C. Leous '79, MBA '82

Gerry A. Lowrey '79

Timothy G. McEvoy '79

Paul E. Murphy '79

David J. Nasca '79

Vito L. Passero '79

Vic J. Rutecki '79, MBA '83

Edward C. Schnell '79

Robert Schwab '79

Jeffrey T. Sonier '79

Dan W. Stanton '79, HON '08

Shirley W. Struchen MA ’79

Bruce E. Supernault '79

Catherine E. Trautman '79

William R. Tucker '79

Maria N. Valvo '79

Teresa M. Wallenfels '79

Richard I. Werder, Jr. '79

Nancy J. White '79

Lee C. Wortham ’79

Mary Lou T. Wyrobek '79

Patricia K. Blake '78

Helen P. Brady '78

Tom C. Buckel Jr. '78

Diane M. Cairone-Cortese '78

Don E. Clayback '78

Domenic V. Cortese '78

Eileen C. Crotty Sendor '78

William J. Cunningham '78

Pat A. Demetri '78

Patrick J. DiMarzo '78

David R. Dracup '78

Bernd G. Heinze '78

John J. Hurley '78

Bob A. Kolarczyk '78, MD

Gloria E. Korta '78

Cathy Secours Lacy '78

Deborah Witkowski Leaper '78

Richard Leo Lyons '78

Karen Mize '78

Roberta Mure '78

Darlene M. Nowak '78

John C. Plante '78

Joseph A. Saccomanno '78

Francis B. Sajsa, Jr. '78

Ginny M. Scahill '78, MBA '84

Bill J. Schwab Jr. '78

Sheila W. Schwanekamp '78

Kathleen A. Shaw '78

Mark Spitler '78

Mary E. Vossler '78

Rick A. Wall '78, PhD

Don P. Ware '78

Nancy W. Ware '78, MBA '85

Kevin C. Brady '77, MBA '92

Pauline M. Bruno '77

K. Barry Darin '77

Timothy J. Flynn '77

Thomas J. Foels '77

Ann P. Gage MBA '77

Robert R. Gage MBA '77

Curt C. Gaume MS '77

Ed C. Gelia Jr. '77

Katie T. Grimm '77, MD

Brian P. Hanley '77

Laura L. Heimback-Graham '77 

William M. Hirsch '77

John D. Hoffmann MBA '77

Will Horvath '77, PhD

Joe H. Johnston '77

Camille L. Kane '77

Cheryl A. Kishbaugh '77

Bob S. Kniejski '77

Maureen Kulik '77

Melissa M. Marr '77

Joseph J. Marusak '77

Joe P. Michael MBA '77

Edward M. Monacelli '77

John C. Murrett, Jr. '77

Maura K. Penders '77

Ann Marie Przybyl '77

Donald G. Rackl '77

Dorri Giles Raposa '77

Michael R. Rappl '77

John M. Sommers '77

Mary Pat K. Stoltman '77

Sean P. Sullivan '77

Larry J. Vilardo '77, HON '19

Susan I. Wloszczyna '77

Kathleen V. Wyatt '77

Pat Zasadil '77

Erik L. Brady '76

William M. Bukowski, Jr. '76

Jim Butters '76, PsyD

David M. Cantwell '76

Anthony P. Catalano '76

Pat K. Clayback '76, MS '85

Patricia C. DiGiacomo '76

JR R. Drexelius Jr. '76

Randy R. Edwards '76

Timothy J. Hoelscher '76

Bob E. Jagodzinski '76, MBA '05

Thomas M. Kaminska '76

John L. Langer '76

Susan R. Leary '76

Mike Liwicki '76

Christine L. Marello '76

Dave D. Martin '76

G. Daniel Newland '76

Steve M. Nosek '76

David L. Noto '76

Bob D. Pacer '76

M. Veronica Parry '76

James J. Pelletter '76

Eugene A. Rudzinski '76

Maria B. Scrivani '76

Rhea J. Simmons '76

Cynthia L. Skrzycki '76

Jeffrey J. Stoltman '76

Eric J. Tarbox '76

Suzanne E. VanDooser '76

Ray H. Witzleben '76

Betty Woloszyn-Woolslayer '76

Daniel B. Wopperer '76

Bob W. Wunsch Jr. '76

Carol A. Allwein '75

John R. Anthon '75

AnneMarie W. Block '75, PhD

Mary Pat Brennan '75

Kate Bukowski '75, MBA '79

Eileen R. Cassidy '75

Anna Marie R. Cellino '75

John A. Conley '75

Colleen A. Connolly Culligan '75

John C. Corbelli '75

Gary M. Crosby '75

Tom R. Emmerling '75

MaryAnn Greco '75

John P. Griffin '75

Dan N. Hurley '75

Duane K. Jonmaire '75

Sienie Kelly '75

Paul J. Kolkmeyer '75

Nancy L. LaTulip '75

Kevin Marmion '75

Kenneth R. Martin '75

James P. McLane '75

Mary C. Miller '75

Lynne A. Monaco '75

Andrew M. Montante '75

Wendy L. Passman '75

James R. Pendolino '75

Mary R. Platt '75

John R. Semler '75

Peter E. Shields '75

Joseph L. Tabone MS '75

Paul T. Bink '74

Kathleen A. Brunner '74

Ann E. Celani '74

Mary Grace Diehl '74

Pat Anne I. Doro '74

Mary J. Dunbar '74

Dewayne Edwards '74

Pamela Germain '74

Joseph N. Giambra '74

Erwin F. Hetzelt, III '74

Donna M. James '74

Thomas F. Keenan '74, MBA '81

Bob R. Kratus '74

Steve T. LoVullo '74

Steven J. Lovullo MS '74

Margaret A. Lynch '74

Timothy L. Marong '74

Joseph A. Martin '74

Nancy A. Norman '74

Gail A. Page '74

Tony J. Perito '74

Robert G. Pfeil '74

Carmel Priore-Garlock '74, MSED '75

Marge L. Quinlan '74

Paul H. Riester '74

Deborah J. Robinson '74

Kathleen E. Russ MS '74

Dale Schaefer '74, MBA '77

James A. Schwartz '74

Mary A. Sellers-Pici MBA '74

Diane B. Shreenan '74

Lawrence C. Spada '74

Cynthia Hudson Staten '74

Dennis F. Strigl '74, HON '11

Farrell D. Tate '74

Elizabeth M. Tomasulo '74

Mary J. Virginia MS '74

Kathleen M. Wiles '74

Paul F. Bachman '73

Mary E. Belle '73

John C. Buscaglia '73

Phil C. Culliton '73

Michael J. Curry '73

Marilyn V. DePlato '73

Florence M. Francescone '73

Tom E. Hartnett '73, DDS

William L. Heim, Sr. '73

Mike E. Hudson '73

Carol B. Jones '73

Nancy J. Killian '73

Rosalie M. Maguire '73

Shelley Maher '73

Joanne Marriott Murphy '73

David M. Mergenhagen '73

Fran R. Mergl '73

Charles L. Mozeko '73

Ed M. Murphy Jr. '73

Michael B. Obstein '73

Judith A. Ratka '73

Tony Rider '73

Eileen D. Rolek '73

Richard F. Schindler '73

Jim P. Schofield MS '73

Dwight W. Tate '73

Bill C. Thuman '73

Loretta J. Tokoly '73

Margaret M. Zack '73

Lilly A. Adams-Dudley '72, MS '85

Michael A. Altieri, Jr. '72

Teresa M. Amabile '72, HON '97, PhD

Cathy M. Burzik '72, HON '15

Susan C. Collins '72

Daniel T. Comerford, Jr. '72

John R. Connolly '72

Kevin A. Connors '72

Margaret M. Corcoran-Smith '72

Archie L. Cureton '72

James P. Daly '72

Carol Dubnicki '72

Lorene H. Duquin '72

Marianne B. Eimer '72

Therese M. Gorman '72

Larry C. Handzlik '72

Jean M. Hansen '72

Stan H. Hudson Jr. '72

Kevin R. Igoe '72

Joanne M. Joseph '72

Dee Josef MS '72

Elizabeth N. Kolber '72

John J. Kopera '72

Joseph R. Kulp MBA '72

William E. Leising '72

Ron H. Luczak '72

Rocco J. Maggiotto '72, MBA '79

James F. Mendola '72

Terrance R. McKnight '72

Tom L. Mertzlufft '72

Magdalene A. Miller Kennedy '72

Dan R. Moffatt '72

William R. Mundy '72

Margaret M. Newman '72

Diane M. Ortolano '72

Ronald E. Robinson '72

Michael J. Ross '72

Paul M. Sawyko '72

Peter J. Scott '72

G. J. J. Semler '72

Sharon L. Siwy '72

Jil Marie St. Ledger Roty '72

Mary C. Sturm '72

Herbert J. Sturm '72

Bill J. Swierat '72

Bernadette M. Taglienti '72

Jane White '72

Bill E. Wilkin '72, MS '77

Brummitte D. Wilson '72

Ellen F. Zupa '72

Larry Aiello Jr. '71

Kathleen M. Boice '71

William J. Collins, III '71

Theresa L. Coughlin '71

Bob L. Cronyn '71, DDS

Arnold Daniels, Jr. '71

Edward M. Darcey '71

Martin J. Doorey '71

Tom P. Dowd '71

Barbara M. Efird '71

Joan E. Farstad '71

Tricia M. Finnerty '71

Dennis A. Fleischauer '71

Anne P. Gioia '71, HON '97

LeRoi C. Johnson '71

Edward R. Keis '71

Tom C. Kingston '71

Gary F. Kotaska '71

Mark J. Lema '71, MD, PhD

Kristine M. Lohr '71

Marty C. Lougen Jr. '71

Carol B. Lowman '71

Bob H. Maloney '71

Susan C. Marchant '71

John R. O'Brien '71

Kevin M. O'Bryan '71

Mary Pat Pauly '71

Thomas C. Playford '71

Paul J. Propis '71

Mary Elizabeth Roehmholdt '71, MD

Dave M. Schofield '71

Kathryn A. Schultz '71

Lawrence R. Schwach '71

Ronald M. Sciolino '71

Tom G. Smith '71

Kevin W. Spitler '71

Margaret Stancampiano '71

Marie M. Stevens '71

Tom H. VanNortwick '71

Frank J. Vavonese '71

Stasia T. Vogel '71

David L. Wagner '71

John E. Winiewicz '71, MBA '77

Jack E. Anderson '70

Leo J. Braun, Jr. '70

Jim L. Budny '70, MD

Mike N. Coppola '70

John Crabbe '70

Celine C. Crabbe '70

Joanne C. Dearlove '70

Nancy A. DeTine '70

Camille R. Dommer Ferraro Clark '70

Steven P. Driska '70

Suellen Vey Eggert '70

Petrina V. Genco '70

Sue B. Gerard '70

Hon Richard B. Halloran, Jr. '70

Barbara J. Heller '70

George F. Kermis '70, PhD

Edward J. Kolodziej '70

Kathleen M. Kolodziej '70

John P. Lambert '70

Rosemary A. Ligotti '70

Don T. Lynch '70, MBA '74

Loretta G. Lynch '70

Gregory R. Maday '70

Peter J. Maguire '70

William V. Malican, III '70

Larry T. McGowan '70, MBA '85

Vincent L. Morelli '70

Ken F. Myszka '70

Dave M. Naples '70, MBA '74

Carol Nowak '70

Joseph P. Paonessa '70

Gene S. Richards '70

James J. Rzad '70

Jude A. Schwendler '70

Elaine F. Sciolino '70, HON '92

Karen J. Smith '70

Mike J. Stachowski '70

James P. Tylenda '70

Dick C. Wayne '70

Jack F. Wujcik Jr. '70


 Paul A. Battaglia '69

John L. Boice '69, MD

Kathleen S. Bryan MS '69

Ed B. Carey '69

Bernadette E. Corcoran Gaffney '69

Anthony N. Diina '69, MBA '72

Angela G. Evans '69

Bill J. Frederick '69

Margaret K. Galantowicz '69

Douglas P. Hansen '69

Paul J. Harder '69

Tom R. Hersey MS '69

James J. Heusinger '69

Anthony J. Latona '69

Bill C. Lyons '69

Carm A. Mannella '69, PhD

Michael Martin '69

Anthony M. Masiello '69

David A. Musson '69

Jerry L. Neuner '69, PhD

Frank J. Porcella '69

Michael A. Rehak '69

Joseph D. Scanlan '69

Robin Schimminger '69, HON '07

Joanne M. Schwartzott '69

Raymond H. Seitz '69

Kenneth P. Service '69

Jeff A. Spencer '69

Mary Lou Tarquini de la Plante '69

Gene E. Torpey '69

Michael N. Vogel '69

Ken J. Wilson '69

Martin j. Besant '68

Josita C. Borysko '68

Irving D. Britton '68

Joe V. Buszka '68, MBA '81

Joseph A. Caruana '68

Terry M. Connors '68

Michael L. Deninger '68

Bob M. Dobmeier, Jr. '68

George J. Eberl '68

Camille V. Gawron '68

LTC Carm D. Gentile '68

Bob M. Glaser '68

Lucille M. Grieco '68

John L. Hanna '68

Ivan F. Ivankovich '68

Fred J. Jones Jr. '68

Mary Ann Lauricella '68

Al F. Luhr III '68

Tom J. Lynch '68

Tony P. Maggiotto '68, MS '73

Vince J. Mancuso '68, MBA '77

Tom J. McMahon '68

Jim E. McNicholas Jr. '68, MS '97

Joan M. Melewski '68

William C. Moore '68

Craig P. Niederpruem '68

Bonnie M. Philipps '68

John A. Read '68

Jay W. Ricketts '68

Joseph Rozek '68

Charlie R. Schmidtke '68, PhD

Jim E. Sherwood '68, PhD

Louis W. Stroud '68

Daniel J. Sullivan '68

Tim E. Blewett '67

Nelson D. Civello '67, HON '17

Craig J. Costanzo '67

Jack W. Dorn '67

Frank L. Eberl '67, MS '75

Tom R. Fiutak '67, EdD

Malcolm C. Harris Sr. '67, PhD

John F. Hoffman MS '67

Magdalene C. Holt '67

Nancy D. Ingrisano '67

Thomas S. Kwiatkowski '67

Lillian M. Levey MS '67, HON '03

David R. Loesch '67

Charles L. Maday '67

Louis J. Maggiotto, Jr. '67

Tony B. Maglione '67

James J. McPhee, Sr. '67

Dennis L. Misko '67

David A. Missert '67

William J. Neff '67

Terrence M. O'Connor '67

John F. Safford '67

Dennis R. Tollini '67

Thomas J. Wojciechowski '67

Michele H. Cofield '66

Ange M. Fatta '66, PhD

Bob M. Greene '66, HON '05

James M. Hassett, Jr. '66

James J. Hessinger '66

David A. Hillock '66

Joseph F. Huber '66

Dr. Paul B. Hurley Jr. '66, PhD

Daniel R. Kowalczyk '66

Francis M. Lazarus '66

David F. Leonard '66

Angelo A. Licata '66

Michael B. Lowiec '66

Albert J. Mogavero '66

George G. Munley '66

Thomas M. O'Connor '66

Rev. John W. Rapp '66

Rev. Richard A Reina '66

John W. Rowe '66

Brian G. Schuster '66

Gary J. Schwarzmueller '66

Bill M. Skretny '66, HON '15

Brendan D. Thomson '66

David E. Tobin '66

Chet E. Borczynski '65

Tom E. Butler '65

Joe C. Cane '65

Dorothy L. Gaglione '65

LTC John A. Gangloff '65

Joseph T. Gleeson '65

Maxwell J. Grzywna '65

Joseph J. Hausbeck '65

Michael J. Lacey '65

Giles P. Manias '65

Joyce A. Meegan '65

Michael R. Monin '65

Thomas C. Pares '65

Joe A. Podgorski '65, MS '69

John P. Propis Jr. '65

James P. Renda '65

Michael W. Shurgot '65

Ken M. Sroka '65, PhD

Frank E. Swiatek '65

Paul Synor '65

Edward J. Szczesniak '65

William D. Szustak '65

Robert E. Yuhnke '65

Frank J. Attea '64

John A. Becker '64

Bill P. Breen '64

Franklin A. DePeters '64

John J. Dumpert '64

Dick A. Hall '64

Joseph M. Hassett '64

Stephen R. Lamantia '64

Msgr. David M. Lee '64

Thomas J. McGlinchey '64

Carl J. Montante '64, HON '04

Richard A. Neil '64, MBA '72

Timothy M. O'Mara '64

Mike J. Ryan '64

Sam F. Sammarco '64

Lawrence D. Seymour '64

Gerald Wieczkowski, Jr. '64

Michael J. Zdrojewski '64

Francis G. Brobeil, Jr. '63

Dennis M. Burns '63

James W. Grable '63

Ralph A. Gruppo '63

Amy J. Habib '63

Joseph A. Halizak '63

Thomas J. Holowka '63

Martin F. Idzik '63

Dennis C. Macro '63, MBA '75

James N. Myers '63

Tom H. O'Neill Jr. '63

Ralph A. Schmauss '63

Thomas P. Sheehan '63

Paul E. Szarmach '63

Hon Dale M. Volker '63

Joe J. Wilson '63

David P. Zappone '63

F. Rene Alvarez, Jr. '62

Edward W. Bailer '62

Roy Carlisi, Sr. '62

James E. Clyde '62

Richard O. Collin '62

Alvan J. Donner '62

Paul C. Eberhardt '62

William C. Gates '62

Paul M. Hassett Jr. '62, HON '14

James L. Hoffman '62

Denis E. Loncto '62

Hon Salvatore R. Martoche '62

John J. Merlino '62

Col James F. Neale III '62

Ann B. Salter MS '62

Edward H. Skerrett '62

Franklin A. Stachowiak '62

Edward J. Thompson '62

Phillip S. Volastro '62

Peter J. Wacks '62

Col Gerald L. Weigand '62

Msgr. John C. Weimer MA '62

Bill D. Bennett '61, MS '67

Ray P. Bissonette '61, PhD

William A. Carnahan '61

Paul S. Chojnacki '61

LTC Thomas J. Coll '61

Pete J. Conroy '61

Joe F. Gervase Jr. '61

Dick A. Hellman '61

Sean D. Hill '61

James T. Kerr, Jr. '61

Chester Kobos '61

John J. LaFalce '61, HON '90

Thomas C. Mack '61

Larry A. Marinelli '61, PhD

J. Terence Mitchell '61

Lawrence S. Sarafinas '61

John L. Strauss '61

Joseph G. Weber '61

Joseph Zimmerman '61

Ron G. Basalyga '60, MD

Harold J. Baumann '60

Harold J. Brand, Jr. '60

Vincent A. Coppola '60, MS '64

Michael P. Davis '60

Donald P. Dodman '60

Henry J. Kaye '60

Rosemary E. Kersten MS '60

Jack E. Kirsch '60

Raymond G. McGuire '60

David J. McLaughlin '60

Angie D. Padula MS '60

Richard W. Parker '60

James D. Reed '60

Frank M. Rojek '60

Vince F. Saele '60, MS '67

Joseph J. Scibetta '60

Peter P. Zaleski '60

Ronald F. Zielin '60

1950's and under

William J. Bertsch '59

Joe F. Bieron '59, MS '61, PhD

Charles M. Bonasera '59

Dave B. Collins '59

James A. DiCarlo '59

Paul P. Dommer '59

Dick N. Gilbert '59

Michael D. Langan '59

Angelo Massaro '59

Mike J. McMorrow Jr. '59

William J. Mcnichols '59

William K. Myers '59

Frank J. Perna '59

Ron F. Poe '59

Ray F. Sutton '59

James O. Young '59

Gregory J. Britz '58

Gerald J. Brunning, Jr. '58

Jack P. Courtney '58

Joe S. DePaolo '58

John J. DiPasquale Sr. '58

Pat Donlon '58

Sibby S. Fasanello '58, MD

Bertram F. Frederick '58

Dan T. Kirst '58

James T. Molloy '58, HON '95

John F. Neeson '58

Ronald S. Nowak '58

Richard G. Pepe '58

John F. Rehak '58

Samuel G. Scime '58

Dan P. Starr '58, PhD

Dan W. Sullivan '58, MBA '83

Paul C. Weaver '58

Charles P. Cavaretta '57, MD

John A. Christiano '57, MSED '75

J. Michael Collins '57

David B. Dietz '57

Steve G. DiPasquale '57

Richard D. Dworakowski '57

Laverne F. Fassl '57, MA '67

Fred C. Holler '57, MD

Norman E. Jabin '57

Gerald J. Kirby '57

David C. Markey '57

Sal S. Pagano '57

Charles J. Scibetta '57

John J. Walsh '57

Walter D. Webdale '57

Leo A. Bradley '56

R. Carlos Carballada '56

Rev. Frederick A. Conoscenti '56

Norman F. Corda '56

Earle Y. Hannel '56

William L. Holcomb '56

James R. Kanski '56

Richard N. Kirchgraber '56

Lawrence J. Mattar '56

Gerald A. Mays '56

Nicholas D. Mecca '56

Eugene T Partridge '56

Robert E. Yoviene '56

Dave L. Zimmer '56

Maj. Robert B. Adams '55

Norbert A. Bishop '55

Chuck V. Borzilleri '55

Tony J. Colucci Jr. '55

Joseph J. DeFrancesco '55

Richard A. DiVita, Sr. '55

Ted C. Driscoll MS '55

Joe T. Geraci '55

Andy J. Hammerl '55

Don K. McMahon '55, MS '61

John D. Naples, Jr. '55

Hugh M. Neeson '55

Sr. Frances Niland '55

Ralph R. Roll '55

Gerry M. Sartori '55, MS '59

Philip Scozzaro '55, MD

Tony J. Smaczniak '55

George P. Ziemer '55

Tom J. Caulfield '54, MS '62, EdD

Earle B. Gay '54

Edward C. Gelia, Sr. '54

Dick A. Gessert '54, MS '57

Donald J. Human '54

Albert J. Ignatowski '54

Bob J. Jarnot '54, MS '59

Joe W. LaDuca '54

Ralph N. Mauro '54

Raymond E. Naber, Jr. '54

Joe G. Scully '54

Frederick J. Bough '53

Jim D. Burke '53

Jim M. Culligan '53

Bob P. Hartmayer '53

Ronald G. Hite '53

Ed L. Kantowski Jr. '53

Thomas G. Knorr '53

J. Daniel Lenahan '53

Nicholas L. Schmitt '53

William E. Schottke '53

Emile B. Truchon '53

George W. Wopperer '53

Martin J. Browne '52

John J. Cooney '52

William J. Cotter '52

Tom J. Donovan '52

Joseph M. Dziminski, Jr. '52

Tom P. Glynn '52

Hugh H. Higgins Jr. '52

John J. Joyce '52

Carl F. Kilroy, Jr. '52

Michael G. McGuire '52

Thomas F. McMahon '52

John D. Muzdakis '52

Joe M. Nasca '52, Esq.

Jim J. O'Brien '52

Hugh F. O'Neill '52, MD

Chet J. Pawenska '52

John V. Robinson '52

Albert P. Salter, Jr. '52

Dorothy M. Suchan '52

Bob D. Wischerath '52

Michael V. Avanzato '51

Thomas J. DiPasquale '51

Edward M. Gallagher '51

Donald E. Hartnett '51

Richard J Lehner '51

Ray W. Manuszewski '51

Carm A. Scaccia '51

Don J. Barnett '50

Joe A. D'Amato '50

Leo J. Downing '50

Bob F. Farrell '50

Skip T. Ganey Jr. '50

Thomas R. Hess '50

Robert A. Jerussi '50, PhD

Robert J. Kresse '50, HON '00

Mike O. Luthringer '50

Margaret A. Songin '50

Jack F. Toolen '50, MS '55

JB B. Walsh '50

Len P. Markert Jr. '49

William J. Ostrowski '49

Bill T. Vaughan '49

Don F. Bauer '48

Red J. Rosica '48, HON '06

Jim N. Schmitt '48, MD

Dolores D. Sullivan '48

Dick L. Wylegala '48

Milford C. Maloney '47, MD

Joe A. Trimboli '47

Ed C. Weppner '47, MD

Don W. Hoch '46, MS '48

Rev. Paul J. Dugan '45

William F. Brown Jr. '44

Ambrose A. Macie '44, MD

Charlie T. Eppolito '43

Jim A. Garvey '43

William V. Malican '43

Mike J. McGillicuddy '43

Jim F. Phillips '43, MD

Art J. Schaefer '43, HON '98, MD

Charlie E. Wiles '43, MD

Bud F. Friel '42, MS '63

Jim J. Murphy '42

John P. Murphy '42

Glen W. Meyers '41

Marty J. Murrett '41

Robert C. Noonan '41

Nino R. Sciolino '41

John C. Brady '40

Joe R. Coppola '40, HON '90, PhD

Jim G. Healy '40

Norma L. Steffan '40, HON '87

Ed M. Tederous '40, HON '77, MD

Seymore Zimbel '40

James H. Batt '39

Jim E. Kenney '39, PhD

Joseph R. Stillwell '39, MS '63

Ed E. Fallon '38

Walt J. Steffan '38, HON '87

Austin J. Allen '37

Harold S. Hacker '37, HON '76

Liguori B. Downey '36

Cyril V. Kretz '36

Crucian S. Messina '35

Frank J. Rustich '35

Ed F. Gibbons Sr. '34

Fred W. Wolf Jr. '34

John G. Zoll '34, MD

Henry A. Herberger '33

L G. LaPointe '32

Jim P. McNamara '32

Ed F. Neubecker '32

Ray V. Ryan '32

Don F. Wolf '32

Sal R. Buscaglia '31

Jack E. Carscallen '31

Walter M. Miller '31

Estate of John Sullivan J. Sullivan Jr. '31

Larry J. Miano '30, MD

Nelson J. Dalton '29

Sr. Mary Annette M. Guzowska MS '29

Art J. Cosgrove '28

Gerald J. Lahey '28

Anne G. O'Neil '28

Tom J. Connors '27, MA '33

Edward F. Driscoll '27

Andy N. Barten '26

Agnes Scanlon '24

Msgr. Francis A. Growney '18, HON '68

Non-Alumni Members

Allyson D. Backstrom, PhD

Tony J. Bellia 

Rev. John P. Bucki 

Sr. Marlene G. Butler 

Jane G. Cary 

Stephen A. Chanderbhan, PhD

Chid Chidambaram, PhD

Dianna Civello 

Ray J. Clough, PhD

Mick E. Cochrane, PhD

Ellen O. Conley, PhD

Dave R. Costello, PhD

Bruce J. Dierenfield, PhD

Frank J. Dinan, PhD

Joyce Eulner 

Gary M. Everett 

Dr. Thalia P. Feldman, PhD

Rev. Benjamin Fiore 

Larry W. Franz, PhD

Peter J. Galie, PhD

Patrick Greenwald 

Pat A. Hutton, PhD

Jacky Knopp, PhD

Pete M. Koehneke 

Mariusz M. Kozik, PhD

Jim A. Leone, PhD

Mary Lu Littlefield 

Joe P. Lovering, PhD

Rev. Patrick J. Lynch 

John L. Maddock 

Terri L. Mangione, PhD

Marian C. Meyers, PhD

Herb J. Nelson, PhD

Michael Noonan, PhD

Joe B. O'Donnell, PhD

Shawn O’Rourke, PhD

George M. Palumbo, PhD

Mr. Rehm Rehm 

Richard D. Reitsma, PhD

Melvin W. Schroeder 

Frank Scinta 

Brian P. Smith 

E Roger Stephenson, PhD

Steve K. Stoute, JD

Rev. Michael F. Tunney 

James S. Valone, PhD