Creative Writing Student Activities

Creative writing students come together throughout the year outside the classroom to share their love of books and writing and to present their own creative work. 

Fall Coffeehouse

Every fall, our creative writing students plan and present a coffeehouse reading. This student-hosted event showcases the talents of our students in poetry, prose, and even song. 


Senior Reading

Every spring, each of our senior capstone students, after some intense coaching and practice, presents a short, carefully chosen and rehearsed example of their best creative work. Each student receives an introduction from the faculty mentor who knows him or her best. Students dress up for the occasion and invite their family and friends; there is a reception afterwards. Senior reading is an annual celebration of the talents and achievements of our remarkable students. 


Playwright’s Showcase

Students in our playwriting workshop work for a full semester drafting and revising and polishing a one-act play; then, in the final week of the semester, each receives a staged reading in the Marie Maday Theatre, each with a professional director and actors from the Buffalo theatre community. 


Quadrangle Unveiling 

The Grupp Fireside Lounge fills one night each April when the publication of the new Quadrangle literary magazine is celebrated. Students, faculty, staff, family, and friends gather for a showing of the artwork, readings from the magazines, and recognition of the staff, and announcement of the new editors-in-chief.