Tutoring Center

Spring 2025 Schedule

Students are able to drop in for tutoring, no appointments are necessary. Students are limited to 3 sessions (total of 3 hours) of tutoring per week and must be currently enrolled in the courses for which they are receiving tutoring. 

Spring 2025 Tutoring Schedule

Academic Workshops 

We are also offering one-on-one workshops. Current workshop topics are: Time Management, Study Skills, Note Taking, Talking with Professors, Finals Preparation, Successful Online Learning, and Easing Test Anxiety. Workshop appointments may be requested here.  

Tutoring sessions may consist of group sessions led by a peer tutor.  This is especially the case for courses that lend themselves to more group academic assistance, such as math, accounting, economics, and physical science courses.  Tutors are available in the majority of academic disciplines and employ various academic strategies to help address individual student needs.

If you do not see a tutor for the subject that you need, please contact Monika McFoy at @email

Mission Statement

The Tutoring Center at Canisius University offers a comprehensive level of tutoring services to best support students in successfully completing their academic careers while assisting them in developing the skills to become successful lifelong learners. It provides a dedicated staff of peer tutors ready to assist students in their academic pursuits. In accordance with the Canisius University mission, “we foster in our students a commitment to excellence”. 

Peer Tutor Qualifications

  • Must be a currently enrolled student at Canisius University with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Must have obtained a B+ or better (exception can be made by the academic department) in the course you wish to tutor. 
  • Must be in good academic and judicial standing with the College.
  • Must possess strong interpersonal skills and a genuine desire to assist fellow students.
  • Must receive two letters of recommendation. One must be from a professor of the subject you wish to tutor. 
  • Must have at least a sophomore standing. 
  • Must have a social security number (international students can work with the Office of International Student Programs who can provide guidance on how to secure a social security card if necessary). 

Tutor Responsibilities

  • Willing to commit to tutoring from the date of hire until the end of the semester.
  • Conduct individual and/or group tutoring sessions depending on demand.
  • Adhere to Tutoring Center policies and procedures.
  • Participate in mandatory tutor training.
  • Keep complete and accurate record of all tutoring sessions.

Tutor Application

Tutor Recommendation Form

Hours of Operation (During the Academic Semesters)

Sundays: 6pm-9pm
Mondays - Thursdays: 10am-7pm
Fridays: 10am-1pm


Tutoring Center | OM 315

Tutoring Center will be closed during all school holidays.

For more information please contact Monika L. McFoy at @email or call the Tutoring Center at 716.888.2852.