Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations play a vital role in the student experience at Canisius.  Joining a club is a great way to get involved and meet new people!  With over 90 student organizations, opportunities are in abundance.


Accounting Society: This club fosters the study of business and accounting while promoting professional competency and achievement in the field. Events include seminars, “Meet the Accountants Night,” office visitations and social activities. Membership is open to accounting majors; annual membership fee is $10.

Alpha Kappa Psi: This national professional business fraternity is open to all business and computer science majors. Events include a food drive, newspaper sale and a scholarship given to top graduating business students.

American Marketing Association: This club provides members with opportunities for professional development, provides marketing services to the community, and inspires innovation and ambition in students by providing a variety of programming.

Canisius Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO): CEO informs, supports and inspires Canisius University students to be entrepreneurial and seek opportunities through the life long journey of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial leadership, and enterprise creation. Our goal is to foster an entrepreneurial environment for the Canisius community through “Entrepreneurship for EVERYONE.”

Canisius International Business Association: This is a professional organization that enhances the understanding of issues related to international business and promotes international career opportunities among members of the Canisius Community.

Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in colleges around the globe.

Economics/Finance Club: This club provides the student body and community with economic concepts to develop a deeper insight into the perplexing national and international economic issues 

Enactus is a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world.

Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM): This club helps students acquire the knowledge needed for a future in personnel administration or labor relations, and provides them with current information on new developments within the field.

Women in Business (WiB) club members actively support one another to advance their career ambitions, broaden their business goals, and develop friendships. WiB is committed to the personal and professional growth of its members.


C-Block attends athletic events to create a fun and intimidating atmosphere for opposing schools. C-Block is open to all students by contacting one of the E-board members at any time. With membership, there will be a one time fee of $5, a membership card that can be swiped in order to receive points and prizes, a new shirt every year, and various other giveaways during meetings and events.

Canisius University Hiking Club endeavors to give students a chance to get off-campus in a fun and healthy way.

Rifle Club: This organization encourages safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. A further objective is to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, self-discipline, team play and self-reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.

SHaPE Majors Club is open to all physical education and health majors, sport studies majors and health and wellness majors. 

Student Athlete Advisory Committee: The SAAC serves to generate a student-athlete voice within the athletic department and the institution, to discuss issues and develop recommendations to enhance the well-being of student athletes on campus.

Club Sports 

Performance Arts Clubs

Canisius University Chorale: The chorale provides choral activities for the entertainment and enjoyment of its members, Canisius and the community. Events include annual Christmas and spring concerts and activities. Membership is open to students, faculty, staff and anyone attending an area college.

Chamber Music Ensemble: The ensemble was organized for instrumentalists and/or vocalists interested in rehearsing classical chamber music in small ensembles. Students are assigned to ensembles based on instrumentation and experience. Ensembles are coached by members of the fine arts faculty. Optional opportunities to perform in public are offered.

Chamber Orchestra: This organization performs a wide range of orchestral literature from the baroque period through the 20th century. Directed by a professional musician, rehearsals and concerts provide students with experiences in the orchestral arts.

Concert Band: The concert band is an instrumental organization that performs a wide range of music literature from today and the past. Directed by a professional musician, rehearsals and concerts provide students with the opportunity to perform at a high level.

The CrescenDON'Ts is a student-run a cappella group that performs popular and well-known music both on campus and off campus.

Jazz Ensemble: Jazz ensemble provides an atmosphere for jazz and big band performances to the community and the college campus.

Little Theatre: Little Theatre presents different forms of theatre to the Canisius community, and includes acting, stage crew, costuming, make-up and lighting.

Pep Band exists for the purpose of providing music and in turn promoting camaraderie among Canisius fans at athletic exhibitions and other miscellaneous events on campus

Media/Creative Arts


Digital Media Arts Club aims to provide a source of networking between not only Digital Media Arts students, but all students and clubs at Canisius while fostering an atmosphere for creative expression and the exchange of ideas through collaboration.

The Griffin: The campus newspaper written for and by Canisius students, beginning in 1937.

Quadrangle: An annual literary magazine comprised of selected materials from Canisius students. Events include reading and writing workshops, and literary readings.


Health & Science

American Chemical Society (ACS): ACS brings together students interested in the chemical sciences, so they may be aided in choosing their careers and establishing a closer association between themselves and the faculty.

Canisius University Umbrella Club is to create a social peer organization for students with diverse needs and to promote awareness of these diverse needs to the public as well. The goal is to create a safe space.

The Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS) provides underrepresented pre-medical students with the knowledge, skills, and experience that are both pre-requisite and concomitant to the professional participation in health related fields.

Pre-Student Osteopathic Medical Association (Pre-SOMA) will promote and inform the public about osteopathic medical education and prepare its members for entrance into osteopathic medical schools.  It promotes the mission of Canisius University by promoting care for the whole person.

Project Conservation (PC) encourages student awareness of and involvement in green and sustainable activities on the campus of Canisius University and to promote a better knowledge and understanding of student impact on the environment and community with the intention of reducing our carbon footprint.

Physics & Pre-Engineering Society: This organization works towards the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of physics and engineering among interested students.

Psychology Club: This club brings together students interested in psychology to acquaint them with both the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology and encourage interaction with faculty.

Society of Pre-Health Professionals (SPHP): The Society of Pre-Health Professionals promotes and supports pre-medical students at Canisius University on their journey to pursue a career in medicine. The club promotes academic scholarship, leadership, exploration of medical careers and medically related community service.

Vegan and Vegetarian Club seeks to promote campus-wide awareness of the benefits to an individual’s health, the treatment of non-human animals, and environmental impacts of a vegan/vegetarian diet/lifestyle and provide a social outlet for vegan/vegetarians.

Honor Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta: Alpha Kappa Delta promotes human welfare through the association of a fellowship group interested in developing scientific knowledge that may be applied to the solution of social problems. 

Alpha Phi Sigma: Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes and promotes high scholarship among students actively engaged in collegiate preparation for professions in criminal justice.

Alpha Sigma Nu: Based on the three principles of loyalty, scholarship, and service, this honors society promotes the ideals of Jesuit education. A prospective member must be a junior or a senior within the top 15% of her/his respective graduating class in terms of QPA.  After submitting an application a candidate must then be approved for membership by the current members of the Canisius University Undergraduate Chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu before being inducted.  Up to three additional people of those nominated for membership also may be inducted into the Society at the request of the College President.

Beta Beta Beta Society (TriBeta): This is a nationally affiliated organization for people interested in the biological or health-related fields. Events include field trips, athletic and social activities, and service projects. 

DiGamma Honor Society: This society honors those who have rendered outstanding service to Canisius University. 

Kappa Delta Pi: This is an honor society for education majors.

Lambda Pi Eta: This speech communication honor society recognizes, fosters and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies. Lambda Pi Eta’s ideal is to stimulate interest, promote and encourage professional development, and to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication.

National German Honor Society: The goal of this honor society is to bring both a fun and serious atmosphere allowing members to learn more about German culture from academic and social standpoints. Membership is restricted to students majoring in German and holding a GPA of 3.0 or higher within their major.

Phi Alpha Theta: This is a national history honor society. Events include speakers, lectures, an annual induction ceremony and participation in a convention. Prospective members must have taken a minimum of four history courses with a 3.25 GPA and a minimum 3.06 QPA.

Phi Sigma Tau: This honor society serves as a means of awarding distinction to students who have high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy, as well as popularizing interest in philosophy among the general collegiate population. 

Psi Chi: This is a national psychology honor society at both the undergraduate and graduate level. 

Sigma Delta Pi: This organization honors students who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and who have made contributions to the Latino/a culture.

Sigma Tau Delta: This honor society brevets distinction upon undergraduates, graduates and scholars in academia, as well as upon professional writers who have recognized accomplishments in linguistic or literary realms of the English language. Members have the opportunity to formulate ethical principles, develop skills in creative and critical writing, and foster a spirit of fellowship.

Service and Spiritual

The American Red Cross Club offers students an opportunity to reach out to the local community in times of disaster and need to provide the necessities for survival.

Circle K: A student branch of the Kiwanis Club, this club develops citizenship and the spirit of service for improvement of all human relationships. Events include charitable parties, bloodmobiles, nursing home visits and dance marathons.

Colleges Against Cancer: This club is a national collaboration of college students, faculty and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by initiating and supporting programs of the American Cancer Society in the college community.

Donate Life wishes to increase awareness about organ, blood, and tissue donation throughout the Canisius University community.  We plan to educate through a variety of fun activities and events.

Griffins Giving Back: The Canisius University Lion’s Club Chapter (GGB:LC) is a community service group on campus that gives Canisius students the opportunity to give back through service opportunities.

Habitat for Humanity helps to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness in the United States and throughout the world. The foundation is based upon partnerships formed between people with resources and those in need.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship works to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students who follow Jesus as Savior: growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people, and God's purposes in the world.

Peace Action Canisius University is a non-partisan student group dedicated to empowering student advocates and taking action on issues of peace and justice.


Anime Club: This organization seeks to promote a deeper appreciation for Japanese animation as an art form. To that end, this organization wishes to create an environment that promotes cultural understanding of Asian, especially Japanese, popular culture and aesthetic sensibilities. 

College Democrats: This organization encourages debate and discussion of the Democratic Party’s positions on political events, as well as on other local and national happenings. The College Democrats serve as a conduit between the Board of Elections and the Canisius student body, for the purpose of registering voters. 

Commuter Student Association (CSA): Commuters are always looking for ways to get involved and here is a perfect opportunity. CSA offers movie nights, exam week study breaks, monthly meetings, commuter awareness weeks and more. Canisius Commutes is a monthly online newsletter that provides information about activities, visit 

Cooking Club tries a variety of different recipes, helping students to learn how to cook while also creating delicious meals for them to enjoy!

Disney Club provides the same enriching feeling Walt Disney Pictures gave us all as children: whimsical youthfulness.

FUSION Gaming Society unites members of the college community through mutual enjoyment of multiplayer gaming experiences.

National Society of Pershing Rifles: The Pershing Rifle Company affords any student the opportunity to gain experience in military bearing and acquire the skills necessary to further develop the leadership abilities that are highly demanded in both the civilian community and/or the duties of the United States Army.

Residence Hall Association (RHA): RHA enriches the lives of resident students by promoting events designed to create unity and community spirit, while stimulating cultural, intellectual, athletic and social growth. Involvement opportunities are available to residents by becoming a floor representative of your living unit. All resident students are members of RHA.

Phi Sigma Sigma: Phi Sigma Sigma provides service and promotes friendship and cooperation among college women of all races, creeds and religions. The main goals are to raise the standard of college ideals, further knowledge and promote philanthropic endeavors

Sigma Phi Epsilon: The only social fraternity at Canisius, Sigma Phi Epsilon participates in social, academic and philanthropic projects throughout Buffalo. The largest national fraternity, SigEp strives to promote the ideals of virtue, diligence and brotherly love in its members. The New York Lambda chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon has created balanced men at Canisius University for more than 25 years.

Students for Life: By way of panel discussions, lectures, film presentations and other means, Students for Life seeks to educate the Canisius community with specific regard to ethical issues concerning human life and the value of every human being. 

To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA): TWLOHA is dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA encourages, informs, inspires, and invests directly into treatment and recovery.

Turning Point USA is a non-partisan political organization advocating for free markets and limited government dedicated to educating students on these topics, identifying those who believe in them, registering students to vote, and empowering students.

Women and Gender Studies Club seeks to promote awareness of issues affecting women, men, and children here in the United States and around the world, regardless of race, religion, class, or sexual orientation.


Afro-American Society: This club helps to orient Afro-American students, Hispanics and Native Americans to the college community. Events include speakers, Black History Month, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. memorial services, Afro Ball, Taste of Africa and more.

African Student Association is a student group dedicated to fostering the understanding of Africa at Canisius University. By promoting a true image of Pan African Spirit, we set out to interchange the many different cultures among African cultures.

French Club: This organization sponsors programs to help promote the French language and culture to the college and Western New York community.

Global Horizons is a student organization that promotes awareness of the diverse cultures represented on campus.

Latin American Students & Friends (LASAF): LASAF promotes the culture and language of Hispanic countries around the world. Events include an annual club dinner, and Fiesta Latina.

Society of Asian Students (SAS) promotes Asian culture and spread cultural awareness through a variety of events.

Spanish Club: This club hosts speakers, provides information about careers using the Spanish language and participates in service projects that require the use of Spanish.

Unity discusses LGBT issues, and news at general body meets, host special events, and provide a safe, and comfortable environment for students. Unity respects the privacy of it's members, and welcomes everyone.

Academic Interest

American Sign Language Club educates and informs members of the Canisius community about American Sign Language and deaf culture.  It provides a vehicle for its members to practice the signing skills they have or to start learning the language.

Association for Women & Men in Communication (AWMC): Members of this club are interested in majoring in communication studies, taking courses in communication studies and exploring careers in communication.

Classics Club: The objective of this organization shall be to supply all students at Canisius University with an understanding of the classics as a discipline. Films, speakers, discussions, etc. will help achieve this goal.

Eurosim Foundation: The Eurosim Foundation exists in order to properly train and instruct members to participate in annual European Union simulations involving both New York State schools and European universities.

Fashion Industry Organization (FIO) exists to provide members with opportunities for professional development, further innovation, create ways for students to contribute to the community and fashion industry, and promote the FIT program at Canisius.

History Club: This club presents history majors with subjects of historical interest beyond the content of their courses and offers a series of public lectures. Events include historical projects and seminars.

Math Club binds Mathematics, Statistics, and Math Education majors together by promoting a love for and growth in mathematics.

Pedagogy Noir aims to address racial tension at Canisius as well as discuss hot topics in the media through a philosophical lens.

Phi Alpha Delta: This international law organization provides a bond between students and members of the bench and bar, for those considering a career in the legal profession. Events include lectures, panel discussions, test-taking strategies for the LSAT and mock trials. Meetings are held two times per month.

Philosophy Club promotes philosophical awareness and enrichment. We aim to fulfill this goal through exploration of the various intellectual communities found around Western New York.

Teachers' Education Club (TED) is a club that helps students on their way to becoming teachers.  It allows these students to learn more about their intended field while gaining colleagues and experience on the way.

Canisius Zoological Society: This club increases awareness of zoological activities. Events include animal related outings, whale and bird watching, as well as field trips to state parks.