summerMAX 2025
The comprehensive summer social development program (summerMAX) for 7-12-year-old autistic children without intellectual disability (ID) will be conducted 5 days a week for 5 weeks during the summer at Canisius University. The focus of the summer program is to teach social skills and provide multiple opportunities to practice the skills. Specifically the program addresses 4 main areas that are problems for autistic children without ID: social skills, interest expansion, interpretation of non-literal language (idioms), and face and affect recognition. Each day is divided up into five 70-minute blocks. The first 25 minutes of each 70 minute block consist of instruction that includes role play and modeling. After the instruction period, the children participate in a 45-minute recreational activity in which they practice the skills they were just taught in a cooperative group activity.
summerMAX has been running since the summer of 2003. We have conducted 8 studies including three randomized clinical trials that have demonstrated the program's effectiveness. The most recent study was a follow-up study which demonstrated that children who participated in the summerMAX program maintained their gains 2.5 to 5 years post participation. While summerMAX seeks to build and practice social skills, the children consistently report that they view it as a summer camp. The children go swimming twice a week and go on end-of-the-week field trips. All the clinicians who work in summerMAX are college students who are given extensive training in how to implement the manualized program. All clinicians must demonstrate competence in implementing the protocols before they can work in the program.
The 2025 summerMAX program will be conducted Monday through Friday (8:50 AM-4:10 PM) from June 30, 2025 through August 1, 2025. Five parent education sessions (75 minutes each) will be offered during the program so that skills taught and practiced in the program can be generalized into home and community settings.
Tuition for the 5 days a week, 5 week, evidence-based summerMAX program is $2,250 ($450/week). Families seeking financial assistance will be asked to submit documentation of income level.
To apply or for further information, please contact the IAR at @email or 716-888-2800.
To apply, please submit the following information by March 1, 2025 to the IAR:
- Documentation of Diagnosis/Prior Evaluation reports (psychological, psychiatric, and/or speech and language reports)
- Family Information Form (required) – please print, complete, and submit
- Most recent IEP or 504 Plan (if child receives special education services)
Submit via mail, email, or fax to:
Institute for Autism Research
Canisius University
2001 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14208
Fax Number: (716) 888-8540
Email: @email