Leadership Opportunities

Lobby Trip

Annually the commission on Independent College and Universities (CICU) organizes a trip to Albany to Lobby on behalf of HEOP during the month of February. Each year Canisius University HEOP staff and students join CICU and many other New York State institutions to lobby for HEOP. There is no cost for students who wish to participate in lobby day. Students interested in attending this year’s lobby day should contact the COPE office for more information. 


The COPE Office employs a number of student and professional tutors for a wide variety of subject areas for HEOP students. All tutors are compensated at an hourly rate. The COPE office is always looking for dedicated undergraduate, graduate and professional tutors. Student tutors must have earned a B in the course(s), complete a tutoring application, and participate in a personal interview in order to be considered for employment. For more information please contact the COPE office at 888-2575.

Peer Counseling

This position gives students an opportunity to build strong counseling, communication, public relation, documentation skills, serve as a mentor, help freshmen adjust to college provide referrals to college services and serve as a liaison to the HEOP office.  Participating in this type of prestigious position can lead to other exciting employment ventures down the road.  

Peer Counselors must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher at all times. Peer counselors will meet with each assigned counselee for one hour every week during the HEOP summer program. In the fall, and spring semesters peer counselors will meet with their counselees every other week. During the HEOP summer program Peer Counselors will reside on campus and act as a mentor, counselor, and tutor for incoming first year students. For a peer counseling job description click here.

This is a paid position. Applications will be available in the COPE office, Old Main 101, during the month of March. For more information please contact the COPE Counselor at 888-2575.


Peer Counseling Job Description

Reports to: COPE Counselor

Compensation:  Summer room and board for the duration of the HEOP summer program (Dates TBA), Meal plan, and a stipend (amount TBA), leadership and teamwork experience.

Requirements/Qualifications:  Enrolled as a full time student at Canisius University, G.P.A. of 2.4 or higher, interested in building a positive community, sense of humor, positive attitude, leadership characteristics and skills, must be at least a first semester sophomore, must be in good disciplinary standing, desire to learn and grow, commitment to teamwork, and ability to communicate clearly.
Terms of Employment:  Late June each summer through Mid-May the following year.
Summer: Each year the HEOP program runs a summer program for incoming first year students. Peer Counselors must participate in all aspects of the summer program, devote a significant amount of time, live on campus, act as a tutor, mentor, and help enforce rules.

School year: Must meet with each student for 1 hour every other week. (number of students the peer counselor is responsible for will determine how many hours per week)

How to Apply:

1.  Fill out an application

2. Please have three people submit letters of recommendation on your behalf to the COPE Counselor.  One recommendation should be from a work supervisor, one from a Canisius University faculty or staff member, and one from a peer. Please note that COPE staff members will not be writing letters of recommendations. 

3. Submit a current resume with your application

4. E-mail or drop off a current resume to the COPE Counselor in Old Main 101.