Army ROTC Catalog

Military Science Program (ROTC)

Program Overview

Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is among the Nation’s best leadership programs. U.S. Army Cadet Command partners with universities to recruit, educate, develop, and inspire.  Army ROTC is a college elective program designed to develop individual leadership skills for Cadets in order to commission officers of character for the Army.  Army ROTC gives you a wide range of experiences while you work toward your college degree. You'll combine classroom instruction with hands-on training.  The program is open to all students regardless of major and there is no obligation for freshman or sophomore students.

The traditional MLS program is four years: a two-year Basic Course (six credit hours/year), for which no military obligation is incurred, and a two-year Advanced Course (six credit hours/year), plus a US Military History Course (3 credits); for which there is a military obligation.

Army ROTC Courses:

Basic Course (incurring no military obligation)

The Basic Course refers to the first and second year of the MSL curriculum and designed for students who want to improve their leadership abilities. The Basic Course normally involves one elective class and lab each semester, along with the required physical training and field training exercises.

Freshman students are encouraged to enroll in MLS 101 and MLS 111 in the fall and MLS 102 and MLS 112 in the spring.  Sophomores are encouraged to enroll in MLS 201 and MLS 211 in the fall and MLS 202 and MLS 212 in the spring. The Basic Course is required for all students that want to qualify for entry into the Advanced Course. Students with prior military service may be eligible to directly enter the Advanced Course with approval from the Professor of Military Science. Students who have not completed the 100- and 200-level MLS courses/labs and are seeking to enter the Advanced Course may be eligible to take Basic Camp.

Basic Camp

MLS 210 Basic Camp is a 32-day intensive training event and accelerated alternative to the Basic Course that qualifies you for enrollment in the Advanced Course at Ft. Knox, KY.  Students must meet all contracting criteria to attend; attendance may occur between either the freshman and sophomore year or sophomore and junior year.   Students may receive 3 credits for completing MLS 210 Basic Camp. 

Advanced Course (incurring military obligation)

The Advanced Course refers to the third and fourth year of the MSL curriculum that prepares Cadets for Advanced Camp.  Advanced Course enrollment requires completion of the Basic Course or Basic Camp.  Advanced Course is comprised of MLS 301 & MLS 311MLS 302 & MLS 312, MLS 401 & MLS 411, MLS 402 & MLS 412 and MLS 480. Cadets that complete the Advanced Course and Cadet Summer Training Upon will be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve.   Based on the students’ area of study, Military Science 300- and 400- level courses continue to bear free elective credit that may be used toward a student's 120 hours needed to graduate.

Advanced Camp (Cadet Summer Training)

MLS 310 Advanced Camp is a 35-day rigorous field training event during summer between their junior and senior year summer at Ft. Knox, KY.   Advanced Camp is mandatory for all Advanced Course ROTC Cadets which you must pass to qualify as an Army Officer. Juniors can receive credit for attending  MLS 310 Advanced Camp.


Basic Course (incurring no military obligation)

MLS 101
MLS 111
Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking
and Leadership Lab
MLS 102
MLS 112
Introduction to Profession of Arms
and Leadership Laboratory
MLS 201
MLS 211
Foundations of Leadership
and Leadership Laboratory
MLS 202
MLS 212
Foundations of Tactical Leadership
and Leadership Laboratory

Advanced Course (incurring military obligation)

Student must either complete the Basic Course above or MLS 210 to enter the Advanced Course sequence.

MLS 301
MLS 311
Adaptive Team Leadership
and Advanced Leadership Lab
MLS 302
MLS 312
Applied Team Leadership
and Advanced Leadership Lab
MLS 401
MLS 411
Mission Command and the Army Profession
and Senior Leadership Laboratory
MLS 402
MLS 412
Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer
and Senior Leadership Laboratory
MLS 480U.S. Military History3

Note: Students are required to sign up and participate in Leadership Labs during the Advanced Course even though they do not receive credit for the labs. 


The following sequence of Military Science 100 and 200 level courses can each be counted as a 3.0 credit, free elective:

MLS 101
MLS 111
MLS 102
MLS 112
MLS 201
MLS 211
MLS 202
MLS 212
MLS 301
MLS 311
MLS 302
MLS 312
MLS 401
MLS 411
MLS 402
MLS 412
MLS 480 (may be taken any semester of junior or senior year) 

Note: Students must present Medical Documentation signed by their doctor in order to participate in the lab portion. The required form is available at the Army ROTC department at Canisius University.


MLS 101 Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking 3 Credits

Introduces Cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn critical thinking, time management, goal setting, stress management, and comprehensive fitness skills that assists in Army professional and leadership development.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 102 Introduction to Profession of Arms 3 Credits

Cadets learn the basics of the communications process and the importance for leaders to develop the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the US Army.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 111 Leadership Lab 0 Credits

Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming.

Prerequisite: Concurrent Enrollment in MLS 101, 102, 201 or 202. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course. Lab is conducted on Thursday from 3:00-5:00pm every week.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 112 Leadership Laboratory 0 Credits

Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that states they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course. Lab is conducted on Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm every week.

Corequisite: MLS 101, MLS 102, MLS 201 or MLS 202.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 199 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies can be authorized for freshman students that have class conflicts or to enable students to complete Army ROTC requirements in a limited time frame. Students study selected military topics under the supervision of a cadre member.

Restriction: Permission of the Professor of Military Science.

Offered: every fall & spring.

MLS 201 Foundations of Leadership 3 Credits

Explores creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework. Cadets use personal motivation and team building to practice planning, executing and assessing team exercises.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: every fall.

MLS 202 Foundations of Tactical Leadership 3 Credits

Examines the challenges of leading teams in the complex operational environment. The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operations orders. Cadets develop greater self-awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 210 Basic Camp 3 Credits

Basic Camp is a 32-day intensive training event and accelerated alternative to the Basic Course that qualifies you for enrollment in the Advanced Course at Ft. Knox, KY. Students must meet all contracting criteria to attend; attendance may occur between either the freshman and sophomore year or sophomore and junior year. Students may receive 3 credits for completing MLS 210- Basic Camp.

Restriction: Student must be approved by the ROTC enrollment officer or Professor of Military Science to attend.

Offered: every summer.

MLS 211 Leadership Laboratory 0 Credits

Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that states they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course. Lab is conducted on Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm every week.

Corequisite: MLS 101, MLS 102, MLS 201 or MLS 202.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 212 Leadership Laboratory 0 Credits

Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that states they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course. Lab is conducted on Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm every week.

Corequisite: MLS 101, MLS 102, MLS 201 or MLS 202.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 299 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies can be authorized for sophomore students that have class conflicts or to enable students to complete Army ROTC requirements in a limited time frame. Students study selected military topics under the supervision of a cadre member.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Professor of Military Science. Restriction: Students are given opportunities to lead their peers in hands-on training in basic military skills such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, tactics, drill and ceremony, first aid training and survival swimming. All students will be required to provide medical documentation that states they are fit to participate in a normal college physical education course. Lab is conducted on Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm every week.

Offered: every fall & spring.

MLS 301 Adaptive Team Leadership 3 Credits

This course challenges Cadets to study, practice, and evaluates adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, Cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities.

Prerequisite: Cadets in a contracted status or are completing the contracting process. Corequisite: MLS 311L.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 302 Applied Team Leadership 3 Credits

This course is an academically challenging course where you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army Leadership, Officership, Army Values and ethics, personal development, and small unit tactics at the team and squad level. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a team or squad in the execution of a tactical mission.

Prerequisite: Cadets in a contracted status or are completing the contracting process. Corequisite: MLS 312.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 310 Advanced Camp 3 Credits

MLS 310 Advanced Camp is a 35-day rigorous field training event during summer between their junior and senior year summer at Ft. Knox, KY. Advanced Camp is mandatory for all Advanced Course ROTC Cadets which you must pass to qualify as an Army Officer. Juniors can receive credit for attending MLS 310 Advanced Camp.

Prerequisites: MLS 301, 311, 302 and 312.

Offered: every summer.

MLS 311 Advanced Leadership Lab 0 Credits

Cadets apply basic military skills in small peer learning exercises and small unit training operations. Leadership positions are rotated to solve problems in tactics, land navigation, logistics and crisis reaction. Leadership lab is required for all contracted cadets working to earn a commission.

Corequisite: MLS 301.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 312 Advanced Leadership Lab 0 Credits

Cadets apply basic military skills in small peer learning exercises and small unit training operations. Leadership positions are rotated to solve problems in tactics, land navigation, logistics and crisis reaction. Leadership lab is required for all contracted cadets working to earn a commission.

Prerequisites: MLS 301 and MLS 311. Corequisite: MLS 302.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 399 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies can be authorized for junior students that have class conflicts or to enable students to complete Army ROTC requirements in a limited time frame. Students study selected military topics under the supervision of a cadre member.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Professor of Military Science.

Offered: every fall & spring.

MLS 401 Mission Command and the Army Profession 3 Credits

Mission Command and the Army Profession explore the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations. You will examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. You also explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, the decision making processes and host nation support.

Prerequisites: Student must be a contracted Cadet and completed MLS 301/311, MLS 302/312. Corequisite: MLS 411L.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: every fall.

MLS 402 Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer 3 Credits

Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer explore the dynamics of leading in the complex situations during Unified Land Operations I, II, and III. Examine the Art of Command and how to properly communicate with your NCOs and Soldiers during Taking Charge 1, 2 and 3, and Developing Others (counseling). During Cultural Awareness and Cultural Property Protection (CPP), you will discuss numerous situations on how ethical decisions impact personnel and the unit mission. Through the understanding of your roles and responsibilities, you will learn about Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF), Being Ready and Resilient (R2C), and Individual and Family Readiness can assist you in preparing your Soldiers and their Families on reducing and managing stress during times of uncertainty.

Prerequisite: Student must be a contracted Cadet. Corequisite: MLS 412.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: spring.

MLS 411 Senior Leadership Laboratory 0 Credits

Under cadre supervision, seniors plan, conduct and evaluate training for the underclass leadership labs. Seniors provide instruction, coaching and mentoring to underclass cadets, and conduct command and staff activities needed to run the cadet battalion. Participate in separate labs to enhance their understanding of Military operations.

Prerequisite: Approval by the ROTC enrollment officer or Professor of Military Science. Corequisite: MLS 401.

Offered: every fall.

MLS 412 Senior Leadership Laboratory 0 Credits

Under cadre supervision, seniors plan, conduct and evaluate training for the underclass leadership labs. Seniors provide instruction, coaching and mentoring to underclass cadets, and conduct command and staff activities needed to run the cadet battalion. Participate in separate labs to enhance their understanding of Military operations.

Prerequisite: Approval by the ROTC enrollment officer or Professor of Military Science. Corequisite: MLS 402.

Offered: every spring.

MLS 480 U.S. Military History 3 Credits

Explore the evolution of the United States Army from its origins in the Revolutionary War all the way through current operations in Iraq/ Afghanistan as well as the Global War on Terrorism. The course explores the effects politics and international policy has on determining military strategies, also touching on the effects that different cultures/ethnic groups have on both past and present military operations.

Prerequisites: Student must be a contracted Cadet.

Offered: Spring or Fall Semester

MLS 499 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies can be authorized for senior students that have class conflicts or to enable students to complete Army ROTC requirements in a limited time frame. Students study selected military topics under the supervision of a cadre member.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Professor of Military Science.

Offered: every fall & spring.