Alumni Nomination Form

Nominator's Information
Your Address
Nominee Information
For the DiGamma Society nomination, describe in detail the following: Alumni - their service towards the advancement of the college. Administrators & Faculty - their service on behalf of the students or alumni.
For the Distinguished Alumni nomination, describe in detail the nominee's accomplishments as they pertain to his/her chosen career. Please include their Professional Title.
Years at Canisius College:
For the Distinguished Faculty nomination, describe in detail the nominee's contributions to the academic world and how he/she exemplifies teaching excellence.
For the Distinguished Senior nomination, describe in detail the nominee's leadership roles and involvement with Canisius College.
For the Peter Canisius Medal nomination, describe in detail the nominee's contributions to the educational, spiritual, social, cultural and intellectual advancement of mankind.
Sport Played
For the Sports Hall of Fame nomination, describe in detail the nominee's athletic history and any outstanding athletic achievements. Describe how the nominee's life continues to reflect favorably on the College.
For Rev. Paul J. Dugan S.J. Award nomination, describe in detail how this person has benefitted Canisius Athletics by their acts/and or their efforts over a significant period of time.